Berlin’s only community dirty storytelling open mic is back on Monday, Nov 18, with the theme of "DANCING WITH MYSELF." Oh, yeah, this is about all the times you were flying solo, doing some hanky-self-spanky, flicking various legumes, having some real quality alone time... humans can get just as freaky by ourselves as we can with others. TELL US ABOUT IT.
Tickets: €15-20 sliding scale donation per person (adv purchase), or €20 cash at the door. Low-income €10 rush tickets available at the door ONLY, if any tickets remain unsold at time of show.
Advance tickets available here:
(To buy tickets for more than one person, enter total amount of donation, and include names of additional people in the designated field during checkout)
* * PLEASE NOTE: tickets are transferable but NON-REFUNDABLE for any reason.
Location: Crack Bellmer, Revaler Str 99, Berlin
(Main entry at Revaler Str & Simon-Dach-Str, 8-10 minutes' walk from S Warschauer Str)
More accurate map here:
(cover photo by Marc Seestadt)
** Prizes from Other Nature alternativer Sexladen and The Berliner!
7-8 pm: get tested, save your seat, enjoy our reading lounge, grab your drink
8-10:30pm: Smut Slam, in the old-fashioned way (with one short intermission)
10:30-whenever: stay for a little longer, we don't have to worry about neighbors here!
The Smut Slam features real-life, first-person sex stories from the audience, stories from guests and sometimes even celebrity judges, and also readings from THE FUCKBUCKET, a convenient and funnily named receptacle for all your anonymous questions and confessions!
IMPORTANT: Smut Slam is queer-friendly, kink- AND vanilla-friendly, fat-friendly, sex worker-friendly, virgin-friendly, polyamory-friendly, we're really, really friendly. We welcome people with all types and amounts of sexual experiences. We DO NOT welcome stories or fuckbuckets involving racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or any other kind of discrimination, or nonconsensual objectification or fetishization. All activities discussed must be CONSENSUAL.
SMUT SLAM is CREATED by Cameryn Moore, an award-winning playwright/performer, sex activist and educator, and former phone sex operator. When not performing, riding the train, or actually having sex herself, Cameryn writes Sidewalk Smut: custom type-written erotica as street performance and literary art.
WE PRACTICE SAFER SMUT! DO NOT ATTEND if you are feeling poorly! There will be more slams!
* ** We encourage mask use indoors. This remains one of the best ways to protect yourself against getting sick from COVID or any of the other airborne diseases going around.
*** Crack Bellmer has a government-certified machine that exchanges all the air in the room every 10-15 minutes. Included in that system is a HEPA filter.
*** TESTING NOTICE: Please bring photo of same-day negative test results, or come early to take a self-test at the door (for €1, thank you!). We will have Smutterlings on hand to assist. IF YOU TEST POSITIVE, we will have to send you home.
** As always, we are closely watching current COVID-19 rates, and as things change, one way or the other, we may loosen or tighten our pandemic protocols. We will never surprise you with changes, but tell you in advance, so you can make informed decisions. Smut Slam keeps both comfort and well-being in mind, for the community!
PLEASE NOTE: We have a strong Code of Conduct for everyone at a slam. We try very hard to run the event accordingly, and we want attendees to actually pay attention so you can help us create this safer space: Please do take a moment to read this statement, thank you!
ACCESSIBILITY: The venue space is wheelchair accessible.
In ihrem schrulligen "Diskriminierungskurs" spielt die Kunstpädagogin Shlomit Tripp vom Jüdischen Puppentheater bubales wahre Fallbeispiele mit Puppen nach. Diese "One-Woman-Show" wurde mit dem Silvio-Meier Preis 2024 prämiert. Mit dem Silvio-Meier-Preis zeichnet der Bezirk Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg Berliner Initiativen aus, die sich für gesellschaftliches Miteinander und gegen Rassismus engagieren.
Einlass: 18:30
Eintritt: frei
Explorers and Alter Le Futur are joining forces for a 20+ hour event across two unique locations. Headlining the night is none other than the infamous French trio, Bebop Crew.
The journey begins at Crack Bellmer on 16.11 at 9 PM and continues at a Zecret Location on Sunday, 17.11, from 10 AM onward.
Expect art, vibrant decorations, and Jonza’s live visuals to enhance the trip!
Bebop Crew
Juani, Myrta, Gnaly J
Alter le Future
Just1, Micha
Grigor, Bizzy B
bar from 7. djs from 10.
bring a friend, not an attitude.
doors: free entry until 10pm and flexi after.
Borni makes German rap, has lived in Berlin since 2019 and released his last major release in 2020. Now, four years later, it's time to open a new chapter.
“alles vonstatten” is the new album by the Stuttgart native and will be released on November 15. What's going on there? Well, everything! Celebrate with us!
There are fast tracks on the album. Beats that push forward and angry social criticism. As well as thoughtful self-reflection and brooding about the world. Always with a pointing finger, rather than uplifted and explanatory.
As support to celebrate the new album, he has brought in his two live companions Zweipunkteins and DJ Malimo. Also KrejaturX.
Zweipunkteins, who celebrated his own release party at Crack Bellmer last year, gets right to the heart of this emotion with his latest album WUT. German rap about everything that anger does to you, exploring this feeling and seeing where it takes us.
DJ Malimo is a confident and experienced live DJ who is indispensable for Borni and Zweipunkteins' shows and heats up the crowd even more.
KrejaturX will perform new and never-before-heard songs. Without giving too much away: Look forward to Afrofuturism and hiphop.
Come along, celebrate hip-hop and German rap with us. Handmade and DIY. Without a screen in between and with real feelings.
For fans of: Lance Butters, 3Plusss and Ahzumjot
Borni: @bornimusik
Zweipunkteins: @2.1_1108
DJ Malimo: @ivmalimo
KrejaturX: @krejatur.x
doors from 7.
bring a friend, not an attitude.
suggested entry 5-15€.