
english below
Wir feiern gefühlte 20 Jahre Wasn & Wunderwaffel und ziemlich haargenau ungefähr in etwa Pi x Daumen 10 Jahre das Stricher-Duo der Danse Tragicomica im Crack Bellmer, dem musikalischen Rogacki am Technostrich. Wir feiern aber auch grob geschätzte 3000 Stunden gemeinsame Präsentation metadatenfreier rhythmischer Tonkunst und ko(s)mischem Gedudels für Wackelkandidat*innen und Hobbyepileptiker*innen, das Brechen von Erwartungshaltungen und tradierten Jockeyregeln, 504 Kubikmeter selbsterzeugten Tabakrauchs, 4 Bananenkisten, 12,25 Hektoliter Alkoholverbrauch, 4einhalb Liter Tränen, Schweiss und ein mal hat sogar jemand am Finger geblutet (an Platteninnenhülle geschnitten), dass wir immer noch stehen, trinken und hören können, aber ganz besonders ein halbes Jahrhundert Wunderwaffel! Und das sogar mit formidablen Gästen und Wegbegleitern! Und euch!
We're celebrating what feels like 20 years of Wasn & Wunderwaffel and roughly 10 years of the Danse Tragicomica hustler duo at Crack Bellmer, the musical Rogacki at the techno bar. But we are also celebrating roughly 3000 hours of joint presentation of metadata-free rhythmic sound art and co(s)mical droning for wobblers and amateur epileptics, the breaking of expectations and traditional jockey rules, 504 cubic meters of self-generated tobacco smoke, 12.25 hectoliters of alcohol consumption, 4 and a half liters of tears, sweat and once someone even bled from a finger (cut on the inner sleeve of a record), that we can still stand, drink and listen, but especially half a century of Wunderwaffle! And even with formidable guests and companions! And you!
Eva & Katzler
Wasn & Wunderwaffel
bar from 7. djs from 10.
bring a friend, not an attitude.
doors: free entry until 10pm and flexi after.

On December 19th, Sp99 invites Istanbul-raised, Berlin-based DJ Strawberry and freedjom, alongside collective members onohh and fioul, for the second edition of Cataplasm. Expect some liquid soundscapes with experimental dubwise anchors, IDM-influenced bass music, and aquatic broken beat rhythms.
Artists Adrien Bossa, microba, Marc Farenq and Anepsy will showcase their works, plunging into submerged installations and visuals.
DJ Strawberry
Visual artists:
Adrien Bossa
Marc Farenq
Sp99 collective:
We are committed to creating a safe space. We ask everyone to respect each other's identity and to act with consent and care. Discriminatory behavior will not be tolerated.
bar from 7. djs from 10.
bring a friend, not an attitude.
doors: free entry until 10pm and flexi after.

This month for the JAM CATS we have
Schuhbert & The Friends of Rhythm
brought to you by
Laurin Habert & Pepijn on reeds,
Matthieu Baud on bass,
Anton Wunderlich on piano,
Max Keitel on strings!
And Dj Miss Viper Lil is in the house!!!
19:30 | Doors open & DJ
20:00 - 20:45 | BAND
≈ Short break & DJ set ≈
21:15 - 2:30 | JAM CATS SESSION & Party
The Jam Cats live session is a dancing jam session with a different opening band each time. It carries on the legacy of old jazz mingling live sessions and DJ sets.
We want everyone to have fun, dancers and musicians alike with a stage open for early Jazz, Swing, RnB, and other fun styles to dance to with a focus on Balboa since we are operating with Bellmer Balboa. However, we are a separate event and we often cross over between different sub-genres of jazz and swing.
The jam will be run by members of the Syncopation Society to ensure that the party flows, allowing everyone to dance,
or sit back and enjoy the music.
Coming to the JAM CATS grants you free entrance. Just keep in mind that this is a DANCE EVENT and it means being reactive and keeping your solos short and sweet.
If you'd like to play, please make it clear to one of the organisers, or to the band leader. Approach one of the musicians on stage to see when is a good time to step in. There's a piano on the stage with atmospheric amplification.
The official restrictions are lifted for now, but we still recommend doing a test before you come anyway.
It is our aim to create a safe, respectful and welcoming environment for everybody. Within the Syncopation Society, we are working to develop an anti-racist and feminist common ground. Through self-education, we are striving to recognise and stop racist, discriminatory, sexist and homophobic behaviour, as well as other forms of social injustice. We want to remove the barriers established by economic inequality. Important to us is also that the venue of the festival is accessible for people with all kinds of physical conditions.
We want to celebrate diversity in all its forms. We invite you to do the same. We seek to recognise unconscious bias and act against obvious or micro-aggressions of others. As we might not be aware of everything, please help us and let us know if you are missing essentials that you need to feel included and comfortable, or if you experience or witness an unpleasant situation. We are always available for you.
As a collective made up of musicians, DJs and dancers the Syncopation Society feels deeply that it is vital, not only to give recognition to the creators of the music we perform and dance to but to also acknowledge the world in which they lived and the struggles they faced, due to historical and structural racism. We aim to keep educating ourselves on Black heritage. Avoiding cultural appropriation requires an amount of reverence and acknowledgement of history and context. This challenge is important to us in many aspects of life.

Smut Slam Berlin: what's in your toy box?
Berlin’s only community dirty storytelling open mic kicks off your winter holidays in seasonal style on Monday, Dec 16, with the theme "TOY STORIES." Buy them, make them, lose them, break them... humans have a looooong history with items of pleasure, so your tales of awkward/awesome are just part of the collective party!
SPECIAL WINTER ACTIVITIES: holiday mini-market with last-minute gift ideas AND a dirty snowflake craft table!
Tickets: €15-20 sliding scale donation per person (adv purchase), or €20 cash at the door. Low-income €10 rush tickets available at the door ONLY, if any tickets remain unsold at time of show.
Advance tickets available here: https://www.eventbrite.com/.../smut-slam-berlin-toy-story...
(To buy tickets for more than one person, enter total amount of donation, and include names of additional people in the designated field during checkout)
* * PLEASE NOTE: tickets are transferable but NON-REFUNDABLE for any reason.
Location: Crack Bellmer, Revaler Str 99, Berlin
(Main entry at Revaler Str & Simon-Dach-Str, 8-10 minutes' walk from S Warschauer Str)
More accurate map here: https://maps.app.goo.gl/wjKdmTeEpoA6PiL76?g_st=ic
(cover photo by Marc Seestadt)
** Prizes from Other Nature alternativer Sexladen and The Berliner!
7-8 pm: get tested, save your seat, enjoy our reading lounge, grab your drink
8-10:30pm: Smut Slam, in the old-fashioned way (with one short intermission)
10:30-whenever: stay for a little longer, we don't have to worry about neighbors here!
The Smut Slam features real-life, first-person sex stories from the audience, stories from guests and sometimes even celebrity judges, and also readings from THE FUCKBUCKET, a convenient and funnily named receptacle for all your anonymous questions and confessions!
IMPORTANT: Smut Slam is queer-friendly, kink- AND vanilla-friendly, fat-friendly, sex worker-friendly, virgin-friendly, polyamory-friendly, we're really, really friendly. We welcome people with all types and amounts of sexual experiences. We DO NOT welcome stories or fuckbuckets involving racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia or any other kind of discrimination, or nonconsensual objectification or fetishization. All activities discussed must be CONSENSUAL.
SMUT SLAM is CREATED by Cameryn Moore, an award-winning playwright/performer, sex activist and educator, and former phone sex operator. When not performing, riding the train, or actually having sex herself, Cameryn writes Sidewalk Smut: custom type-written erotica as street performance and literary art.
WE PRACTICE SAFER SMUT! DO NOT ATTEND if you are feeling poorly! There will be more slams!
* ** We encourage mask use indoors. This remains one of the best ways to protect yourself against getting sick from COVID or any of the other airborne diseases going around.
*** Crack Bellmer has a government-certified machine that exchanges all the air in the room every 10-15 minutes. Included in that system is a HEPA filter.
*** TESTING NOTICE: Please bring photo of same-day negative test results, or come early to take a self-test at the door (for €1, thank you!). We will have Smutterlings on hand to assist. IF YOU TEST POSITIVE, we will have to send you home.
** As always, we are closely watching current COVID-19 rates, and as things change, one way or the other, we may loosen or tighten our pandemic protocols. We will never surprise you with changes, but tell you in advance, so you can make informed decisions. Smut Slam keeps both comfort and well-being in mind, for the community!
PLEASE NOTE: We have a strong Code of Conduct for everyone at a slam. We try very hard to run the event accordingly, and we want attendees to actually pay attention so you can help us create this safer space: https://docs.google.com/.../120FTNtC47HhNIEP91TXp.../edit... Please do take a moment to read this statement, thank you!
ACCESSIBILITY: The venue space is wheelchair accessible.